10 research outputs found

    Zonas de Sacrificio y Justicia Ambiental en Chile. Una Mirada Crítica desde los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible 2030.

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    This paper makes a critical hermeneutical approach to the problem of Sacrifice Zones in Chile and the role historically played by Civil Society, in light of the Sustainable Development Goals of the 2030 Agenda. It characterizes the way in which the struggles intertwine of the social movements for life, and health and Environmental justice, with the efforts of thermoelectric companies to make their investments profitable; determining the precarious conditions in which the population survives and dies in the so-called Sacrifice Zones. A set of antecedents of the historical process of configuration of the current situation is analyzed in light of the existing Legal Framework, achieving evidence of new scenarios and conditions of possibility for the efforts of social movements, and Civil Society in general, in the struggle for more sustainable and dignified living conditions; and a more harmonious relationship with Mother Nature.La presente investigación realiza una aproximación crítico hermenéutica al problema de las Zonas de Sacrificio en Chile y el papel jugado históricamente por la Sociedad Civil, a la luz de los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible de la Agenda 2030. Se caracteriza la forma como se entrelazan las luchas de los movimientos sociales por la vida, salud y Justicia Ambiental, con los esfuerzos de las empresas termoeléctricas por rentabilizar sus inversiones; determinando las precarias condiciones en que sobrevive y muere la población en las llamadas Zonas de Sacrificio. Se analiza un conjunto de antecedentes del proceso histórico de configuración de la situación actual a la luz del Marco Legal existente, logrando evidenciar nuevos escenarios y condiciones de posibilidad para los esfuerzos de los movimientos sociales, y la Sociedad Civil en general, en la lucha por condiciones de vida más sostenibles y dignas; y de una relación más armónica con la Madre Naturaleza.La presente investigación realiza una aproximación crítico hermenéutica al problema de las Zonas de Sacrificio en Chile y el papel jugado históricamente por la Sociedad Civil, a la luz de los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible de la Agenda 2030. Se caracteriza la forma como se entrelazan las luchas de los movimientos sociales por la vida, salud y Justicia Ambiental, con los esfuerzos de las empresas termoeléctricas por rentabilizar sus inversiones; determinando las precarias condiciones en que sobrevive y muere la población en las llamadas Zonas de Sacrificio. Se analiza un conjunto de antecedentes del proceso histórico de configuración de la situación actual a la luz del Marco Legal existente, logrando evidenciar nuevos escenarios y condiciones de posibilidad para los esfuerzos de los movimientos sociales, y la Sociedad Civil en general, en la lucha por condiciones de vida más sostenibles y dignas; y de una relación más armónica con la Madre Naturaleza

    Blinded by Simplicity: Locating the Social Dimension in Software Development Process Literature

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    The software development process is a complex human, intellectual and labor-intensive activity and human related factors have shown to be the most significant contributors to software system failures. Lacking the ability to identify or quantify these factors, software practitioners will not learn from the failures caused by them. Although, social factors give rise to high failure rates in software development projects they tend to be ignored. Business continues as usual. The inability for software engineers to attain a holistic and inclusive approach will leave the social dimension out and undermine the realization of a fully sustainable software development process.This paper builds on the master’s thesis with the same title completed in December 2019 at Stockholm University. The thesis demonstrates how research literature on software development processes addresses (or not) the social dimension of sustainability from a holistic point of view. The results indicate that the practice of dealing holistically with complexity including the social dimension is still underdeveloped. Further research is suggested regarding the development of adequate supporting tools, social skills, and managerial attitudes and behaviors

    Macrophages Facilitate Resistance to Anti-VEGF Therapy by Altered VEGFR Expression

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    Abstract Purpose: VEGF-targeted therapies have modest efficacy in cancerpatients, butacquiredresistance iscommon. Themechanisms underlying such resistance are poorly understood. Experimental Design: To evaluate the potential role of immune cells in the development of resistance to VEGF blockade, we first established a preclinical model of adaptive resistance to anti-VEGF therapy. Additional in vitro and in vivo studies were carried out to characterize the role of macrophages in such resistance. Results: Using murine cancer models of adaptive resistance to anti-VEGF antibody (AVA), we found a previously unrecognized roleofmacrophagesinsuchresistance.Macrophageswereactively recruited to the tumor microenvironment and were responsible for the emergence of AVA resistance. Depletion of macrophages following emergence of resistance halted tumor growth and prolonged survival of tumor-bearing mice. In a macrophagedeficient mouse model, resistance to AVA failed to develop, but could be induced by injection of macrophages. Downregulation of macrophage VEGFR-1 and VEGFR-3 expression accompanied upregulation of alternative angiogenic pathways, facilitating escape from anti-VEGF therapy. Conclusions: These findings provide a new understanding of the mechanisms underlying the modest efficacy of current antiangiogenesis therapies and identify new opportunities for combinationapproachesforovarianandothercancers. ClinCancerRes; 23(22); 7034–46. �2017 AACR

    Finishing the euchromatic sequence of the human genome

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    The sequence of the human genome encodes the genetic instructions for human physiology, as well as rich information about human evolution. In 2001, the International Human Genome Sequencing Consortium reported a draft sequence of the euchromatic portion of the human genome. Since then, the international collaboration has worked to convert this draft into a genome sequence with high accuracy and nearly complete coverage. Here, we report the result of this finishing process. The current genome sequence (Build 35) contains 2.85 billion nucleotides interrupted by only 341 gaps. It covers ∼99% of the euchromatic genome and is accurate to an error rate of ∼1 event per 100,000 bases. Many of the remaining euchromatic gaps are associated with segmental duplications and will require focused work with new methods. The near-complete sequence, the first for a vertebrate, greatly improves the precision of biological analyses of the human genome including studies of gene number, birth and death. Notably, the human enome seems to encode only 20,000-25,000 protein-coding genes. The genome sequence reported here should serve as a firm foundation for biomedical research in the decades ahead

    Justicia Ambiental, Justicia Territorial y Justicia Epistémica. Chile, Zona de Sacrificio

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    La Justicia o Injusticia Ambiental, se manifiesta como fenómeno socio-histórico subsumida a la Justicia o Injusticia Epistémica, en relación recursiva con las desigualdades en la distribución social de los impactos en la salud, los modos y calidad de vida. El objetivo del presente trabajo es colaborar desde el análisis crítico-hermeneútico del fenómeno, a visibilizar condiciones de posibilidad e imposibilidad para la Justicia Ambiental en Chile. Para esto hacemos una contrastación del Modelo de Desarrollo Neoliberal, el Marco Legal que lo hace posible, y su correlato empírico en Chile caracterizado como Zonas de Sacrificio; con los principios y lógicas de Mercado que lo orientan y sus incontestables impactos negativos sobre la naturaleza y la vida de la población; y, desde ese contraste logramos visibilizar posibles horizontes y perspectivas para Modelos Civilizatorios alternativos, para una/otra Justicia Epistémica y Ambiental fundada en la lógica del Buen Vivir, la Solidaridad y el Bien Común, de cara al Proceso Constituyente en marcha en el Chile del 2021

    University governance: the new uncertainties in post-pandemic ways of working

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    La pandemia ha llevado a reflexionar sobre adecuaciones en las jornadas de trabajo, reduciendo los tiempos de presencialidad y transitando aceleradamente a sistemas de teletrabajo y trabajo remoto, lo anterior ha obligado a los sistemas de gobierno universitario a flexibilizar los sistemas de seguimiento y control, pero al mismo tiempo ha generado que trabajadores y trabajadoras aumenten el tiempo empleado en el desarrollo de sus actividades con los desafíos y tareas encomendadas.  Este ensayo revisa los elementos asociados a la reducción de la jornada laboral y los desafíos que esta nueva normalidad acarrea para los gobiernos universitarios luego de la capacitación e instalación de sistemas robustos que permitan realizar las mismas tareas fuera del espacio de la organización.The pandemic has led to reflection on adjustments in working hours, reducing face-to-face times and moving rapidly to teleworking and remote work systems, the foregoing has forced university government systems to make monitoring and control systems more flexible, but at the same time, it has generated that workers increase the time spent in the development of tasks to meet the challenges and tasks entrusted. This essay reviews the elements associated with the reduction of working hours and the challenges that this new normal entails for university governments after the training and installation of robust systems that allow the same tasks to be carried out outside the organization's space

    The Znf304-Integrin Axis Protects Against Anoikis In Cancer

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    Ovarian cancer (OC) is a highly metastatic disease, but no effective strategies to target this process are currently available. Here, an integrative computational analysis of the Cancer Genome Atlas OC data set and experimental validation identifies a zinc finger transcription factor ZNF304 associated with OC metastasis. High tumoral ZNF304 expression is associated with poor overall survival in OC patients. Through reverse phase protein array analysis, we demonstrate that ZNF304 promotes multiple proto-oncogenic pathways important for cell survival, migration and invasion. ZNF304 transcriptionally regulates beta 1 integrin, which subsequently regulates Src/focal adhesion kinase and paxillin and prevents anoikis. In vivo delivery of ZNF304 siRNA by a dual assembly nanoparticle leads to sustained gene silencing for 14 days, increased anoikis and reduced tumour growth in orthotopic mouse models of OC. Taken together, ZNF304 is a transcriptional regulator of beta 1 integrin, promotes cancer cell survival and protects against anoikis in OC.WoSScopu